INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI CAKAPCakap x Telkomcel Internship Opportunity! Are you interested in joining the tech industry? Cakap x Telkomcel is offering exciting internship opportunities for students from Timor Leste in various positions, including: Business (B2B) Graphic Design Copywriting Social Media ProductJumat, 31 Januari 2025 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI Maxy AcademyWE'RE HIRING! Join Maxy Academy Available Positions: - Content Creator - Digital Marketing - SEO Specialist - Web Developer - Backend Developer - Frontend Developer - UI/UX Designer - Front Office Trainee - Marketing Campaign Intern - F&B Service Intern - AdminJumat, 31 Januari 2025 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI CAKAPKESEMPATAN BUAT KAMU ANAK KULIAH DAN FRESH GRADUATE Dunia karier semakin dekat, waktunya kamu kuasai skill Bahasa Inggris dan Komunikasi! Mulai dari 50rb aja, kamu bisa dapat bekal terbaik untuk persiapan karirmu. Kamu bisa kuasai materi dasar, hingga dapat sesi konsultasi. SemuanyaJumat, 17 Januari 2025 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI SYAAMIL GROUPINTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY! Syaamil Group opens an internship program for those of you who are creative and passionate! We are looking 1. Web Developer 2. Human Capital 3. Accounting 4. Graphic Design 5. Social Media Specialist 6. Content Writer 7. Photo & Video Editor Interested inKamis, 02 Januari 2025 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP PT. INFOKES INDONESIALowongan Internship di PT. Infokes! Posisi: Telemarketing dan Business Support Durasi: Senin-Jumat, 08.00-17.00 selama 6 bulan Lokasi: Bandung Tertarik berkarier di industri teknologi kesehatan? PT. Infokes membuka kesempatan internship bagi kamu yang ingin mengasah kemampuan di bidangSelasa, 22 Oktober 2024 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI CV Esme Sejahtera Mandiri[INTERNSHIP] "Join us Intern CV Esme Sejahtera Mandiri !! We're Hiring Paid Internship for : -Content Creators -Fashion Designer -Textile Designer Untuk mahasiswa/i UNIKOM yang sedang mencari tempat PKL dengan jadwal kerja yang fleksibel sesuai dengan jadwal kuliahmu. SegeraKamis, 30 Mei 2024 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI PT. Rahadhyan Integrasi Nusantara[INTERNSHIP] PT. Rahadhyan Integrasi Nusantara telah bekerjasama dengan CDC UNIKOM saat ini sedang membuka program internship dengan sistem remote yang fleksibel dengan jadwal kuliah akang teteh mahasiswa UNIKOM loh... We Hiring for Content Creator Internship !! Kualifikasi : -Senin, 20 Mei 2024 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI PT. Rahadhyan Integrasi Nusantara[INTERNSHIP] Calling all aspiring talents! is buzzing with excitement as we open the doors to our internship program! If you're ready to dive into the world of innovation, collaborate with an awesome team, and unleash your potential, this is your moment! Send us your CV atRabu, 21 Februari 2024 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP DARI PT. TEKNOLOGI EDUKASI INDONESIA (LUAR SEKOLAH) (INTERNSHIP INFORMATION FROM PT. TEKNOLOGI EDUKASI INDONESIA (LUAR SEKOLAH)[INTERNSHIP] LUAR SEKOLAH Internship Hiring Calling students and fresh graduates who are looking for an internship. The time is right for you to apply and get direct experience working in the industrial world! Now, Luarschool is opening internship positions that will take place inSelasa, 07 November 2023 INFORMASI INTERNSHIP Teknologi Edukasi Indonesia (Luarsekolah) (INTERNSHIP INFORMATION PT. Teknologi Edukasi Indonesia (Luar Sekolah)[INTERNSHIP] PT. Teknologi Edukasi Indonesia (Luar Sekolah) has collaborated with UNIKOM through CDC UNIKOM. Calling students and fresh graduates who are looking for an internship. The time is right for you to apply and get direct experience working in the industrial world! Now, LuarschoolRabu, 04 Oktober 2023 INFORMASI LOKER PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang (LOCKER INFORMATION PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang)[INTERNSHIP] Hi, Uncle, today the CDC brings information about INTERNSHIP... PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang (KPSG Group) is the best Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) company in Indonesia which provides human resources, information systems and the supporting technology needed. CurrentlyKamis, 15 Juni 2023 INFORMASI MSIB X SUIT MEDIA[NEWS] Hii Akang Teteh... Suitmedia X Kampus Merdeka Batch 5 is hiring! This is the fifth time we are selected to collaborate with Kampus Merdeka on MSIB program. You will learn challenging and exciting projects with great mentorship from our top employees. We have 13 positions availableJumat, 19 Mei 2023 INFORMASI MSIB BATCH V (MSIB BATCH V INFORMATION)[NEWS] Hey Brother Teteh... Registration for MSIB Batch V is now open again, Bro... The Ministry of Education and Culture is opening 52,000 certified internship and certified independent study vacancies for students throughout Indonesia. UNIKOM openly provides the opportunity for AkangRabu, 17 Mei 2023 INFORMASI MAGANG PT TRISULA TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Tbk (INTERNSHIP INFORMATION PT TRISULA TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Tbk)[APPRENTICESHIP] Today CDC brings information about INTERNSHIP from PT. TRISULA TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Tbk. PT. TRISULA TEXTILE INDUSTRIES Tbk is a company operating in the Textile Industry Sector and is currently opening INTERNSHIP opportunities for Akang Teteh UNIKOM Qualifications: •Jumat, 31 Maret 2023 INFORMASI MAGANG PT. AGRODANA (INTERNSHIP INFORMATION PT. AGRODANA)✨[INTERNSHIP]✨ Good Afternoon Brother Teteh... Today CDC brings information about INTERNSHIP from PT. AGRODANA is currently opening an internship/internship program for Akang Teteh UNIKOM for the position: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE (AE). Requirements: Students (Min. 6th semester) allSenin, 13 Maret 2023 INTERNSHIP EDUCATION COUNSELLOR/RECRUITMENT OFFICER (EC/RO) AUG Student Services (INTERNSHIP EDUCATION COUNSELLOR/RECRUITMENT OFFICER (EC/RO) AUG Student Services)✨[LOCKER/INTERNSHIP]✨ Good Afternoon Brother Teteh... Today, CDC brings information about LOKER/INTERSHIP from AUG Student Services which is currently opening job and internship vacancies for Akang Teteh UNIKOM for the position: ✨EDUCATION COUNSELLOR/RECRUITMENT OFFICERJumat, 10 Maret 2023 INTERSHIP PM Intern dan QA Intern di DATASAUR (INTERSHIP PM Intern and QA Intern at DATASAUR)CDC brings LOCKER/INTERSHIP information from Datasaur which is currently opening job/internship vacancies for Akang Teteh UNIKOM for the position 1. Internal PM Able to work well in a fast-paced, multicultural environment. Initiative, demonstrated strong analytical skills and great attentionKamis, 02 Maret 2023 PENDAFTARAN PMMB FHCI TAHUN 2022 BATCH I (PENDAFTARAN HINGGA 28 JANUARI 2022)"PROGRAM MAHASISWA MAGANG BERSERTIFKAT BUMN (PMMB-FHCI)" BATCH I 2022 Rabu, 12 Januari 2022 INFO MAGANG PARAGON[PARAGON INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 2.0] Hi Future Leaders, hari yang kamu tunggu telah tiba, Paragon secara resmi telah membuka pendaftaran untuk Paragon Internship Program Batch 2 periode semester genap 2021/2022.Rabu, 22 Desember 2021 INFO MAGANG DI PT. DIFINI TEKNOLOGIPT. DIFINI TEKNOLOGI, bekerja sama dengan CDC UNIKOM, Membuka Lowongan MagangSelasa, 23 November 2021 |